- Unlimited ride & play
- Reschedule your tickets for free
- Children under 2 years free of charge
Please note, adults must be accompanied by at least one child and children must be accompanied by at least one adult (18 years and older).
My ticket should include...
Do you have an annual pass or a pre-booked ticket?
If you have an annual pass or a pre-booked ticket that doesn't include a time slot reservation, you can reserve your desired visit date and time here. This is free of charge.
Reserve here
Schools and Kindergarten
Every child knows about LEGO®, so they’ll immediately be familiar with the idea behind the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre: building incredible things and creating a story around them. With millions of LEGO bricks under one roof, the sky’s the limit at our attraction. It’s the ideal place to let your group experience a world of fun, creativity and imagination.

Discover magical LEGO models, engage in interactive and fun building and play areas and let your creativity run wild. Start planning your visit now and benefit from exclusive group prices to enjoy your stay together!

Birthday Party
Celebrate the most colourful children's birthday party in town and make your party an unforgettable experience for you and your friends! Enjoy our exclusive birthday room, drinks and pizza for all guests.

Adult Nights
The evening for adult LEGO® fans is back! At our adult fan evenings, you can explore the centre at your leisure with other LEGO® fans and experience a program specially designed for LEGO fans over 18 years of age.
Booking with confidence guarantee
You can book our tickets with the peace of mind that you can rebook and reschedule them free of charge up to one day of your planned visit if something interferes with your plans.
Once you have booked your ticket, you can change your visit date one time within a time window of 90 days up to one day before your visit. It is not possible to adjust the date on the day of your planned visit. To manage your booking through our booking portal, you will need your booking confirmation number and the email address used to make the booking.
Login to Booking Portal